Environmental art
At what point do we become responsible for what we have created? The question can have many responses, one major one being human as agent...

My crop
I finally after two weeks of grow lights, watering and fertilizer, my crop has started to germinate. I have yet to identity what these...

How does one feel?
I have been quite caught up in the process, and how the process will effect the viewer. The problem I have been having is a very black...

Historic findings
I've been doing research on how the land was treated historically from the founding (upper and lower Canada). Land at the time was quite...

The middle ground
In our country where we pride ourselves for our diversity, this is only limited to how we see each other. Sadly this notion does not...

Use of Language
The use of language, when it comes to the invasion of vegetation does not help with our perception of the natural word. It is interesting...

Unconventional Colonial Pathways
Ive been thinking of how to bring the idea of culture back into the work and how to embody that in this particular work. There is...

I have started on growing the common and the generalists, which I have carried with me through my daily travels. At this point they are...

What is the Boarder? Is there a Boarder?
This is just a clipping from my notebook of my findings this far. I have overlapped my paths I have taken over the past two weeks and...